Filip Malek Photography

Fontainebleau bouldering 2024

01/04/2024 - Fontainebleau, France

Few of us went to Fontainebleau, France to challenge ourselves in what is considered the mecca of outdoor bouldering - Fontainebleau forest. Grades range from "easy" v1's, to seemingly impossible grades for the most skilled climbers. Bellow are a few pictures from the trip.

Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition

We started on an "easy" 4A, and quickly realized that the grades in Fontainebleau are all over the place. It could be just that sandstone wears a lot quicker then other types of rock and makes all footholds feel like glass.

Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition

After a few tries and fails, we finally got a hang of it and one of us even sent a 6A+ route. Most climbs on the first day were done in The Trois Pignons region, as recommended by a local DJ we met in a bar the day before.

Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition

— Amiga projecting a slopey 7A boulder.

Last day was spent in one of the most popular region of the forest where we witnessed strong climbers sending iconic boulders.

Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition
Bouldering competition

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